Thursday, September 25, 2008

Prediction of the Outcome of the Presidential Election 2008

This prediction was made on my website on September 8, 2008


A branch of astrology known as horary is the technique used to predict the outcome of any contest. There are a number of theories of choosing the time and place of the “birth” of Election Day. Should it be Washington D.C. at 7:00 AM? Or rather, as I have chosen, Eastport Maine where the first polls in the U.S. open. Both Barack Obama and John McCain have placements consistent with previous presidential charts. John Mc Cain has his Moon sign in Capricorn, Barack Obama has Saturn in Capricorn (currently the planet Jupiter is in Capricorn). Additionally, Michelle Obama has her Sun sign in Capricorn and Cindy McCain’s Moon sign is in Capricorn. Capricorn is the sign of the Executive. Wow. Is it any wonder that each candidate won the nomination of their party.

The next element are the significators of the the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. It is generally accepted that Jupiter rules the Republican Party and Saturn rule the Democratic Party. Whichever planet is strongest in the Election Day chart points to the winner. Sparing the reader further technical details, this chart shows that the Democratic Party is stronger on election day….BARACK OBAMA WINS!

On September 12,2000 this ame


This is an amendment to my posting entitled Prediction of the Outcome of 2008 Election

* Some readers on my other web site have asked NOT to be spared technical details (of my horary reading). Okay, the planet Jupiter (Republican Party) is in the sign of Capricorn which is ruled by Saturn which in turn rules the Democratic Party. Therefore, according to ancient horary rules, Saturn (Democrats) disposes of --trumps-- Jupiter (Republicans). Additionally, Saturn is in the powerful 10th House (public standing) while Jupiter is in the relatively obscure 3rd House of the Election Day chart.

It is interesting to note thank John McCain is a Virgo with the Moon in Capricorn, Barack Obama is a Leo with Saturn in Capricorn. It is possible that when the dust settles, these two men may actually work together to effect some real change.

ndment was added:

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